Monday, 29 June 2009

A Note of 50,000!

Yesterday was just another Sunday, working late hours, acting locally and assembling globally the equations of the finite elements. Getting up was difficult though on the Monday morning with the heavy rains on the previous night providing a welcome relief from the soaring mercury levels. The notice for the meeting arrived at the breakfast table, setting off a panicky run for the work diaries and project reports. The crowd headed straight for the conference room grabbing whatever was available on tables. As usual there was the scramble for the seats conveniently away from the Boss. The project manager sat next whispering the roll call of pending works to himself, transferring the uneasiness around. The Boss arrived without much delay, seated himself and began his address. People around him sat looking down on their reports, some scribbling something, some others listening in rapt attention. He finished his address in no time and began calling out names. Back on his seat the smiling manager explained that the Government had brought out the new 50,000 KRW notes. It will be the first Korean banknote that features the portrait of a woman, and the Boss wanted to mark the occasion by presenting each of us with a note of KW 50000!!

The Monday Morning Surprise :-)

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