This was the nice gift that he can give you...sir......if you can,add widjet from jalakam....then your latest posts wull be listes there database and more people can read it and enjoy.....
I'm a Teacher, following on the footsteps of my Parents. I refuse to belong to any religion. I refuse to restrict myself to any particular 'ism'. I prefer to be 'The Outsider'.
I have no great pretentions as a writer, albeit it was a childhood dream to become one. The only literary prize of some note that I had won so far is the big Ever Rolling Trophy I had accidentally won for my school in a State Youth Festival for "Poetry Writing"!!!
These shapes they draw on coffee is an art-form in itself !
This was the nice gift that he can give you...sir......if you can,add widjet from jalakam....then your latest posts wull be listes there database and more people can read it and enjoy.....
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