Beautiful writing, idealist imagination :-)
Welcome Sir, to the sanatorium on the south, where even the converts to Christianity and Islam religiously preserve their casteist ancestry, where the communists used to pride themselves on the lengthy surnames of their masters, where maintaining the communal balance is considered sacred in the appointment of the Ministers, Jurists or the Vice Chancellors to the Universities, where the tiny tots in the kindergartens carry the castes with their names that never burdened their parents.
"India, Hindu, Caste, worst, lowest"; the elder colleague in Korea managed that far, bending and moving his hands close to the floor, just to show how low he meant, making no attempt to hide the superiority of the religion he had been practicing, Buddhism. The worst form of religion is without doubt the one that discriminates against its own followers; the thought was still burning beneath the sheepish smile of acceptance.
Why should someone hang on?!
The ugly creature is said to be on its last legs now!
So what?
Shall we batter the breath out of it?
Some monsters don't move on their legs alone, stay clear of the tentacles :-)
I too had read the article. Brilliantly written by the judge. Simply awesome interpretation of the evil in Indian society
one of the first steps to eradicating caste will be to ban caste based surnames and also banning caste linked social organistions which fuel the hatred...then only can hindu society progress and take on the challenges facing it.
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