Sad to see that it's th teachers who're going down instead of th policy makers who make THE textbooks. Nobody values their services and now nobody allows them to live too. :(. So sad about the plight of Kerala, everyday being a hartal or strike or something else they might call it.
I concur with Abhi chettan... The teacher didn't have anything to do, directly. He was a hapless victim of the crossfire...
Once, a teacher used to command the pinnacle of respect and admiration from his/her students and outsiders, alike. Today he's subject to all sorts of denigrations and humiliations!
I'm a Teacher, following on the footsteps of my Parents. I refuse to belong to any religion. I refuse to restrict myself to any particular 'ism'. I prefer to be 'The Outsider'.
I have no great pretentions as a writer, albeit it was a childhood dream to become one. The only literary prize of some note that I had won so far is the big Ever Rolling Trophy I had accidentally won for my school in a State Youth Festival for "Poetry Writing"!!!
Sad to see that it's th teachers who're going down instead of th policy makers who make THE textbooks. Nobody values their services and now nobody allows them to live too. :(. So sad about the plight of Kerala, everyday being a hartal or strike or something else they might call it.
I concur with Abhi chettan... The teacher didn't have anything to do, directly. He was a hapless victim of the crossfire...
Once, a teacher used to command the pinnacle of respect and admiration from his/her students and outsiders, alike. Today he's subject to all sorts of denigrations and humiliations!
God's own country? Oh Hell!!
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