Wednesday, 21 November 2007

Check Your Smile Skills.....

How good are you at spotting a fake smile?

Find out here :-)


Abhilash Suryan said...

At last a comment on my blog............instead of those usual e-mailed responses...that too very informative and interesting.

Thank you very much, Amal

Anonymous said...

Hi! Good blog that one. And nice test too. Took it and scored an 18.

Inquisitive Indian readers though, will have a slight problem with the books which we get here. Most body language books are written by Westerners for Westerners and cultural differences influence body language to a GREAT extent. We Indians are notorious for jumbled body language - like the ubiquitous Indian head nod which means "Yes" to us and "No" to the gora!

Same thing with 'Eye contact'. Western books ask salespeople to maintain intense eye contact with customers - especially those of the opposite gender. But if a salesman tries that in India, he would probably get bopped heartily on the head :-)

Anonymous said...

@amal.. Not really. I haven't read the book you suggested, as a matter of fact. :-) Mea maxima culpa!! I have been shamelessly generalizing.
What I said is based entirely on the snippets I have read - articles and slim-volume books, basically and personal experience. I have come close to being head-bopped, you see. :-)