Friday, 5 September 2014

The Book Bucket Challenge!

I had been a bit disappointed by the way the gangs of ice buckets, the rice buckets and even those list buckets had ignored me! A few days ago my student, and now colleague, who is also in charge of the Department Library in our institution requested me to contribute a few books to the library. I had gladly agreed to do it. I devised a new challenge, the book bucket challenge, and decided to contribute a few buckets full of books to the Department Library. I guess, it's an opportunity to reach out to so many needy students of the years to come. The Onam Celebration of the Mechanical Engineering Staff Club [MESC] of CET provided the ideal occasion to launch the challenge. 

However, I requested the senior most member of MESC and my most respected Teacher, Prof. Sivakumar, to hand over the books on my behalf, to the youngest member of MESC, my much admired student and the staff in charge of the Department Library, Prof. Niju Mohammed.

I then 'challenged' all my respected colleagues in the Department to contribute a bucket full of books to the Department Library :)

With the images of Chairman Mao, Prof. Hawking and Dr. Pinto looking on from the big screen, I proceeded to the MESC Quiz, which I had been asked to anchor and through the first question I tried to give the audience a brief introduction about the ALS.

And I started the Quiz with the greatest speech ever by a sportsman, Lou Gehrig's "Today, I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth." You can see the VIDEO

Footnote: I am 'challenging' all my readers and friends to donate books to libraries or needy children in your neighborhoods. It can be any book: text books, story books or picture books to any child or young student you can find :)